
Examples of different projects I've worked on -- both personal and professional.

Simple JSON in UE4 Example

Simple JSON in UE4 Example

A basic example of how to use JSON in UE4 with C++.

I plan to expand on this example at some point in the future.

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Easy Websockets

Easy Websockets

Simple plugin that adds websocket support to Blueprint

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Blueprint Encryption

Blueprint Encryption

This plugin provides the user with full JWT and hashing capabilities directly in blueprints. No C++ required.

The following hashing functions are all supported

  • SHA256, SHA1, SHA3
  • MD5
  • CRC32
  • Keccak

The following JWT algorithms are supported:

  • RS256, RS384, RS512
  • HS256, HS384, RS512

GitHub →
Persistent Multiplayer In Unreal Engine

Persistent Multiplayer In Unreal Engine

An example project of how to create a RESTful API that you can use from within Unreal Engine to store persistent data.

This project includes a fully functioning frontend website that allows new users to create an account, a secured backend API that can store and fetch information, and an Unreal Engine integration into the backend.

Languages and Tech used:

  • Firebase
  • TypeScript
  • C++
  • React
  • Express.js

GitHub →
UE4 Minesweeper

UE4 Minesweeper

Created a UE4 plugin that allows you to play Minesweeper in the editor.

GitHub →
Multiplayer Inventory

Multiplayer Inventory

MMO/RPG-like Multiplayer Inventory System.


  • Stacks (merging, splitting, etc)
  • Grid based item organization
  • Client-side prediction (wip)
  • User interface with drag & drop (wip)

I'd like to eventually expand this out to include persistence and social features such as player trading.

GitHub →